A word from

Riva O'Rourke - Co-Chair

I support the Green Party because I cannot tolerate endless, profit-driven wars and the desecration of planet earth, our only home. Battles waged in the name of progress treat certain people as inferior, and the earth as though it is a literal dumping ground and inexhaustible resource. Mankind's perpetual desire for more, with little to no regard for the needs of the earth, has pushed the ecosystem to its breaking point and requires that something like the Green New Deal be immediately implemented, if we are going to survive.
Many are speaking about rights.  It is time to speak of responsibility.  We must accept our responsibility
to People, this Planet, and for the system which has deprived us of knowing Peace.  Our historical ignorance, lack of empathic knowledge, self-serving arrogance and denial, which erode our ability to view reality and prevent us from taking action must be faced head-on.  We must realize a new way, one which has never actually been accomplished on a world-wide scale, one which nurtures humanity as a single entity, working in harmony with nature, and supporting organic democracy.  We do this by starting where we are.
Some understand the perilous times in which we are living, which also bring opportunities for transformation.  We will not all agree on every aspect of every issue, but that cannot make us afraid of working together.  If we find ourselves in conflict, we need only refocus on issues of universal importance, remembering the diversity which exists on this earth and the common needs we share.
We must become stewards of our causes.  If we do not like how something is, we should dive in and start doing something about it, not just complain and wait for someone else, or fault someone else who is trying!  Everybody can carry something.  Many hands make light work!  No job is too small or unimportant.  No one is more important than all, and all are not more important than any one.
Join my co-chair Jon Olsen and me, and the rest of the Maine Green Independent Party team, as we move together with you through true democratic process, to make a better world. ~Riva O'Rourke


Volunteers for Tabling @ Common Ground Fair 2017


Please contact: jacquio50@yahoo.com and let her know what day/days and times that you can volunteer for. The Maine Green Party needs Volunteers for the Below Dates and Times... Entrance to the Common Ground Fair will be Provided...
Friday September 22, 2017
Opening 8am
9am - 12am
12pm - 3pm
3pm - 6pm
Saturday Friday September 23, 2017
Opening 8am
9am - 12pm
12pm - 3pm
3pm - 6pm
Sunday Friday September 24, 2017
Opening 8am
9am - 12pm
12pm - 3pm
3pm - 6pm